Friday 18 March 2016

Pink Parcel March Products

I should have known....I'd spent all day stropping about with no motivation, craving alcohol, caffeine and sympathy.  Yet I hadn't suspected a thing. When I realised I was heartbroken followed immediately by excitement. Excited about my! But I was so looking forward to trying out the products in my Pink Parcel that I kind of didn't mind.

Alcohol consumption well under way, my first thing to do was get the wax melt going. At the moment we're in quite a small flat, so I opted just to use a quarter of the melt. Two minutes after putting it on my boyfriend came through from the kitchen to announce how amazing it was smelling. As if I hadn't noticed! Simple Candle Company have done themselves proud. I literally want to eat the Caramel scent out of the air, yet it isn't overpowering. I am genuinely considering subscribing to their own monthly box once I'm settled in the house. I can't afford it right now sadly. Bravo, people of Simple Candle Company!

Next on my to try list was Papayagold's "Paw Paw Moisturising Balm". My friend had tried it out already and had mentioned how great it was. My skin can get a bit dry during my time of the month. I applied a teeny tiny amount and it's amazing just how far it went. It feels highly moisturising and has a texture/smell like that of Vaseline. But given that it contains Manuka Honey I really think it will be much better. Again really happy with this product! :)

OK Montagne Jeunesse over to you...I hope your Cucumber Peel-off Deep Cleansing Mask is going to make me feel better. It states on the back of the packet that after 15-25 minutes I will feel fab. Right now I am not going to  argue with that but will instead try it out.
(15-25 minutes later)
I needn't have worried about it smelling like cucumber because it really really didn't. I must say that despite the fact I hate cucumber, I think I might have liked it to have some kind of scent, even if it was cucumber. However, my skin felt pretty awesome and must say yeah, I feel a little fab. So another job well done.

Whilst waiting on my mask to set, I thought to myself what a better time to treat myself to some chocolate goodness. I wish I hadn't I'm afraid to say. The branding is gorgeous and they looked absolutely delicious. My distrust of healthy chocolate was based on a solid judgement I fear. I did not like it one bit so I offered the other truffle from Sweet Virtues to my better half. Smiling he popped it in his mouth. The smile did not last long: he spat it out almost instantly and looked at me with eyes that screamed "why?! Why for the love of god did you let me put this in my mouth". I'm not going to lie it was quite funny and if I had another, I'd do it again and in some sort of sordid way that made me happy. I can only deduce this is what they were going for.

I did try out the natural deodorant from Native Unearthed. I can't say that it was a long test or that I was under any stress/exertion that might cause lots of sweating. But I can see that it was scent free and easy to use. That's about the extent of my feeling thus far. 

Last but not least, the Vitalitea from Pink Parcel themselves. A fusion of ginger and Pineapple in a green tea. I had been so excited to try this out. After quite a bit of prosecco I thought green tea might (just might) counteract the harm I had done to my liver this evening. The teabag itself looks lovely. One mug of green tea later and....I was not disppointed. The perfect combination of flavours and as I love a good cuppa I couldn't be happier.

To sum it all up (with the exception of the chocolate) I was absolutely delighted with everything in this box. I love the products, the concept and the attention the Pink Parcel team pay to their social media interactions. I hope every moment with be to this level. Should it be I can see myself subscribing for a long time to come!

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