Friday 25 March 2016

Happy Easter Weekend


Let the bank holiday weekend commence! I was later out of work than planned so I wasn't able to go meet my parents as planned for mass. Instead I went to a great little pub near my work called Sloans. Down a lane and away from the hussle and bussle of Buchanan Street with a great outdoor seated area. It has heaters so there's no need to worry about it being cold (which it is in Glasgow most of the time). Myself and a friend shared a bottle of Prosecco before heading our separate ways. I apologise for not having photos but I only decided to do this blog on the Friday! If you are in the main shopping area of Buchanan Street, Argyle Street and St Enoch's Centre looking for somewhere to rest your feet and get a good drink, then Sloans is a great place to do it. To top things off they have ceilidhs in the top floor on a Friday night for only a tenner. I can highly recommend it. For more information on Sloans visit

Good Friday

This morning I got ready and we went to visit my two friends to take their dog for a walk. They are lucky enough to live in a converted farm that has a forestry area right next to them. Perfect for dog walks on a beautifully sunny bank holiday. Always nice to get out of the city (only a 20 minute drive) and as we'll be moving to the area soon, it's nice to find out about these places we didn't know about.

After that I went back into Glasgow to go toe the Good Friday service at St Aloysius. If you are a visitor to Glasgow (or indeed from Glasgow and have never been in) do take the time to visit this beautiful Jesuit Church in the heart of the city centre. It is a little gem that has a brightly coloured, magnificent dome and a recently purchased new organ. The floral arrangements in the Church are always beautiful and it also house the national shrine for the Scottish martyr, John Ogilvie.

I returned home to the traditional hot cross bun and cuppa tea. Decided to do my nails in a pastel purple  from Barry M's 'Speedy Quick Dry' in Lap of Honour (502). Then I decided to do this blog for over the easter weekend. So again a lack of pictures that I can only apologise for but I shall try to be better tomorrow.

Easter Saturday

I need to say sorry....again! I left my phone at my parents house so was unable to post an update on Saturday itself or take as many pics as I was hoping.  I didn't manage to wrestle the phone off my significant other to capture lunch at least.

We went to Cafe Andaluz in the West End of Glasgow. This is one of our favourite places to eat. In fact, it's where we went on our first date. They do a great deal of 3 tapas and a dessert for something like £15. Not to be argued with. The service is always first class and incredibly friendly. For my drink I had my usual 'Cal y canto bianco' (large obviously!). I think it might be the cheapest wine on their menu but I must say I love it. I ended up actually having 2 glasses.

My three tapas dishes were Patatas Bravas, Chorizo al vino and Pollo Rebezado con Miel. All dishes were delicious as per usual. The chicken was probably the winner of this visit. The Chorizo maybe wasn't quite as awesome as usual but it was still incredibly tasty. 

 Patatas Bravas 

Chorizo al vino 

 Pollo Rebezado con Miel 

They have a good selection of desserts to choose from. I tend to go for the Raspberry Pavlova but I knew I would be having that for dinner tomorrow so instead I opted from their Créme Catalana  (essentially a Créme Brulee). I've had it before and in my option it's far too large. I have a massive sweet tooth but even for me it's too much. Don't get me wrong, it is soooo good.

 Créme Catalana.

I might be biased because it has so much sentimental value for me, but I really do love this restaurant. The staff are great, there is loads of choice and it has a really nice cosy atmosphere. Close to Ashton Lane with loads of options for places to get a tipple afterwards. Definitely check it out!

After the Easter Vigil mass, I went round to my friends' house for a couple of glasses of fizz and some of her delicious homemade pretzels. Once I'm settled in the house I'm going to have a try making them and I'll let you know how I get on.

Easter Sunday

Today was fairly quiet today. Just a day at home as a family. Not only is it Easter but it is also my dad's birthday. I've had the perfect present for him for ages and have been dying to show him it. My parents are both big fans of travelling through Europe. Once of their favourite programmes on BBC is 'Great Continental Rail Journeys'.  The programme features Michael Portillo travelling Europe using a Bradshaw's travel guide from 1913. It's a great insight into what Europe was like pre-wat. My dad loved the present so I was really happy. 

Later on in the day my sister, brother-in-law and nephews came round dinner. Before eating we had a great time doing an Easter Egg Hunt in the garden. The boys loved it and then we tucked in to a lovely lamb roast.

I hope all my readers had a lovely Easter with friends and family. Hopefully the Easter Bunny was good to you all.

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