Saturday 5 March 2016

My Little Box January Products

It's strange putting this out after I've already tested February's products. If you've read my other blog posts you'll know that my January's box got lost in the post which is why it's taken so long to get out.

Now my number 1 product in January's Wish Box was the diary. Although I'd missed 2 months I went back and filled it out so I'd have a little keep sake for the past year. I love everything about this diary so a big bravo to the My Little Box team! What I wasn't a massive fan of was the ribbon style bracelets. Given that I'm no longer a teenage girl or hang out with teenage girls, I don't know anyone who wants to tie a flimsy bit of ribbon to their wrist. However, say a great suggestion in the comments section of a clog of this month's box (check it out her reviews here - The suggestion was to use the bracelets as bookmarks in your diary. I'll definitely be stealing that idea!

The other product I tried out immediately was the lip balm. If you've read any of my previous blogs you may know I'm a big fan of lip balm. This one from My Little Beauty is beautifully scented, kept my lips nicely moistured and has a nice subtle gloss to it. Beautifully presented and perfect in this month's theme. This one was another big thumbs up from me! 

After a tough Saturday shift at work I decided to try out my new cleansing water from Ren and day cream from Garnier. Now I'm not massively a fan of using scented products on my face. It's just a personal preference. However the rose scent of Ren's 'Rosa Centifolia 3-in-1 Cleansing Water' is so subtle I was more than happy to give it a go. I must say I was really impressed, using a small amount it easily removed all my make up and left my skin feeling great. So again a big thumbs up from me, My Little Box. The card said "This must be love" and I must say I agree. It's a shame my box arrived late because I won't be able to use the discount offer to by a full sized one :(

Lastly Garnier have promised me a Miracle! "Packed with smoothing, rapid - diffusion micro-peptides" that will supposedly "being radiance back to knackered complexions and revive your tired - looking skin". Well after my early morning start for work today, my skin is definitely a bit tired (like the rest of me).  A little thicker than is my usual preference for a day cream and again with a slight fragrance, it wouldn't have been a product I would have picked myself. I must say my initial thoughts were positive. It felt lovely to put on, although I'm still not 100% sure of the scent. Whether or not it will perform the miracles promised, it was another thumbs up from me! 

So to sum it up, loved the products in this box. Love love love! It was worth the wait and despite being disappointed with more face may actually be a winner. Bravo, My Little Box!

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