Saturday 7 May 2016

My Little Box April Products

It may just be me but after having had the box for a while its initial sparkle seems to have worn off. Let me get my negatives out the way first so I can tell you what was good.

First up, my little pop up garden was a flop. Having had a look at other people's comments on social media I am not the only one who had no success. Today was my last day of hoping the seeds might sprout and I came back to.....nothing. Not a thing. I has really being looking forward to growing it. This was a major let down so not off to the best start really. Considering they normally charge £7 for this, I would not have been happy to purchase it and have this outcome.

Next up the Balzac lingerie bag. Whilst this is a lovely product I have 2 issues: 1) when will I get to use it and 2) if I was travelling somewhere there isn't exactly all that much room for my underwear. Now I do not have the biggest boobs out there so I can only imagine how larger assetted ladies must have felt. With just one set of my underwear it was full. As you can see below definitely no more room at the inn.

Onto the bag of beauty products: the Nails Inc base coat was a nice touch but I have just started getting acrylics done again and I rarely paint my toes so I don't have much need for a base coat. Granted MLB can't have known this but I did feel a bit like "meh, it's a base coat". Also I can't see at all how this went with the theme.

Moaning over (kinda). The My Little Beauty Rosy Mornings face mask was easy to use, had a nice subtle fragrance and let's be honest who doesn't like a face mask. It's now the following day since using it and can I tell a difference in my skin....I can't say I do. For me this is maybe another of a meh product. Queue an unflattering face mask photo with orange skin!

Lastly one positive: L'Occitane Pivoine Flora Shower Gel was lovely. Foamed nicely and the scent wasn't overly strong. The staying power of the scent is what I was really impressed with. Hours after showering I made a quick movement of my arm in work and was met with a lovely light floral fragrance. For me this was hands down the best product in the box.

Looking back this box was a bit of nothing box. It almost felt like something was missing and generally I think they could have done a better job with the theme. If the next box isn't a good one, I'm sorry to say I think it will be my last :( I have been really enjoying Pink Parcel which I'll carry on for sure but may need to start the hunt for my next subscription box. Any suggestions?

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