Sunday 1 May 2016

April Empties and fails

As we've moved in May, I have suddenly realised that I should have been working on this post throughout the month of April rather than doing it all in one go. Och well, you live and learn.

This month I tried to be ruthless with products. Abandoning anything that I didn't deem useful and trying to use up products that only had a bit left. So let me show you how I got on.

I change up my skincare routine quite frequently but one that is a bathroom staple is Simple's 'Moisturising Facial Wash'. Whilst packing I came across this travel sized one from my trip to Krakow in October
I wanted to make sure I used it up before the move which I'm pleased to say I did manage. It's a great product especially for people who suffer from dry skin occasionally, like myself. It's definitely something I would purchase again. In the meantime I am using Ren's cleansing water which I am in love with!

These next two products I didn't quite manage to use up but I wouldn't describe either as a fail. In fact Avon's 'ANEW Vitale Eye Cream' has been a staple of mine for years. Vitale is Avon's anti-ageing cream for people 25+ and retails at £16. It was very nearly used up but I already had Avon's 'ANEW Infinite Dual Eye System' to try out and it seemed daft taking a pretty much used up eye gel to the new house. However, it is a great product and I really like the Vitale range, especially the trial pack you can buy which is perfect travel size.

Now the SkinTruth 'Equalising Moisturising' I have had in my bathroom for quite some time and it doesn't seem to be going down much. The problem for me is that it isn't thick enough for a night cream, whilst it's a little greasy for a day cream. I tended to use it when I was staying in the house. It is very moisturising but I don't think I would purchase it again.

I received Dr Pierre Ricard's 'Lifting Neck and Dellecotage Cream' from My Little Box in November
I loved this product purely for its is heavenly! I was literally scraping the bottom of the jar to get every little last bit out. When I first tried this product I felt that having a separate cream for my neck and dellocotage was unnecessary at this point in my life and my opinion hasn't changes. For that reason alone I wouldn't see myself purchasing this product again.

Leo Bancroft's 'Totally Protected' was for me a total fail. Part of a Christmas gift set, for me it did absolutely nothing to my hair styling routine. There are so many other better products out there for me that offer heat protection to hair than this one. Would I purchase it again? Not on your nelly!

This next one I came across clearing out my make up box. In all honesty, I forgot I even still had it. Boot's own beauty brand No7's lip gloss in the colour 'Smile' is a nice light pink shade. However, as I've no idea how long I've had it (I'm suspecting it is over its 24 month's expiry date) I decided it was best to just chuck it.

On the hand Rimmel's lipstick in '084 - Amethyst Shimmer' is one of my firm favourites. As you can see I didn't have much of it left so I tried to use it up before the big move. Although it wasn't 100% used up before move day, I'd got so little left it wasn't worth taking it with me.
Would I purchase it again? I definitely would but right now I've so many other lip colours that I won't be purchasing it until I've used up some of those first.

This So Susan 'Colour Hybrid Lip and Cheek Tint' was another My Little Box number from last year and this for me was an out and out fail. You can maybe see from the photo how chalky the texture is. It is a nice shade of red but unfortunately the texture makes it useless for cheeks or lips. In my opinion an absolutely terrible product.

This eyeshadow palette again in found in the bottom of my make up box. Shame because the pastel colours would have been pretty for spring. Again I wasn't sure how long I has it for and I've hundreds of eyeshadow palettes so sadly this one ended up going in the bin.

Marc Jacobs 'Daisy' is a firm favourite of mine. This particular bottle was bought by my partner when he returned from a business trip. I didn't have much left so before leaving for the new house I made sure I'd finished this one all up.
Would I purchase it again? I have hundreds of perfumes so probably not right now but should my other half go away again with work I wouldn't say no to another bottle!

This is probably my favourite empty of this month. Another product given from My Little Box, Korres 'Basil lemon body milk', I kept this in my handbag and have used it frequently whilst I'm out and about. It smells like summer and was really moisturising. I was really sad when it was finished up.
Would I purchase it again? Out of everything this month, this is the one I'm most likely to purchase again. It is just a great product.

My last empty was John Friday 'Frizz Ease 6 Effects Serum'. I have hair extensions currently so I am forever applying serums, oils and conditioners to keep my hair looking good and healthy. This has been a good serum but I wouldn't say it was anything extraordinary. 
Would I purchase it again? Probably but there's nothing that would necessary make me go for this one rather than another one.

So that's it for this month's folks. Let me know if there's any products you could recommend me trying out!

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