Monday 29 February 2016

My Little Box February Products

There wasn't all that many products to try out in this month's box. Just the hand cream from Polåar, Mask and Peel from Noxidoxi, and the day cream from their own beauty brand, My Little Beauty.

The first product I tried was the Mask and Peel. As I explained in my previous post, all the instructions were in French. The description card included had the typical 'banterous' information from My Little Box....not useful in any way to work out how I should use this product. In the end, using my pigeon French, I tried my best to decipher the instructions. Mask applied, I waited the 5 minutes I believe the instructions recommended. The closer I got to the five minute mark, the more I wondered if my face should be burning like hellfire. After washing the product off I had two immediate thoughts in this order: 1) Jesus, my face is extremely red 2) my face feels immediately smoother. As I've said in previous posts, I fall for new skincare products all too easily, so in the morning I gave my makeup and product free face a closer inspection. Yes, my skin does seem slightly smoother and with multiple uses I believe it could make a bigger improvement. Coming in at €24.90 for 50 ml.
UPDATE - 29 / 02
I reused this product about 10 minutes ago. My boyfriend immediately asked if I was colouring my hair because that's exactly what this product smells like. Yes my skin feels a lot smoother, but to achieve this result it feels like 5 layers of skin have been burnt off. Here is the end result (apologies for the just out of shower hair):
My boyfriend has asked me to never use this product again. I recently reviewed another facial peel that has had similar results with the agonising pain of burning my skin off.

Next up I tested the Polåar handcream. Priced at £16.90 for 75ml, it has some lovely Lapland themed branding, complete with big silvery snowflake on the front. For me this would have been a perfect addition to December's box as a Christmasy treat. In all honesty the wording on the card included definitely hints more at start of winter rather than heading towards spring.

Now I was expecting a berry scent to this little number so either it doesn't or it was too subtle for me to trace. However, it is a decent handcream, leaving my hands feeling hydrated and well protected. For me it's definitely more of a heavy duty handcream and should work well through the wintery months but if you're looking for a light, scented handcream for the approaching spring, I don't think this is the one.

The final product was some day cream from their own beauty brand, My Little Beauty. I am a fan of their night cream, so I was looking forward to test running this one for you. I'm not a morning person so going by the name 'Easy Morning' I'm expecting nothing short of a miracle. It says on the back that it's "subtle shimmer brings a radiant, all-over-glow". Let's just say I could do with all the help I can get to have a radiant complexion this morning after too much partying over the weekend. I liked the feel of the product and my skin definitely felt a bit better hydrated. However, the "subtle shimmer" is quite as subtle as I'd like. Every time I looked in the mirror I could just see flecks of glitter. Excuse my make up free face and pulled back hair, but if you look at my nose you'll see the glitter flecks I'm referring to.
Not for me this product at all. In fact not much in this box was me, which left me very disappointed. Especially after the fiasco with not receiving January's box until the end of February. I very much hope March's box picks up a bit and I'm hoping for products that aren't hand cream or face cream. Without a big improvement, I'm afraid to say that March's box may be my last.

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