Sunday 21 February 2016

My Little Box February 2016

Now this box sparked a huge amount of excitement when I opened it. Called My Little Home Box, I was ready to burst....the main reason I have just bought my first home. It's a very proud moment in my life and right now all things home related very much take my fancy. The box itself has a sweet illustration of a woman reading what I presume is the My Little World magazine in her cosy little armchair. I was in love at first site.

Upon opening my box I was expecting to find the usual little postcard, I was not disppointed. The postcard took pride of place in a little blue frame.  Featuring the usual Kanako figure relaxing in here living room with the Andy Warhol quote "All is pretty" appearing being here. Whilst the postcard this month is lovely and very much in keeping with the theme of the box, the frame it is featured in I do not love. The blue colour is nice but would I have the burning desire to purchase it for the £6 they sell it for on, I wouldn't. 

Underneath the frame was a cushion cover. Sweet idea that is again very much in keeping with this month's theme, but not really to my taste. It will maybe get used in one of the rooms in the new house, but to be honest probably not. It I'd double sided which again I think is a nice touch but like I say just not for me. Especially not at the price of £10 for one. 

I wad a little disappointed when I spotted that all that was left to open was my beauty bag. But I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best before opening. The bag itself is very pretty so I was really wishing for something equally pretty inside it.

Sadly I was left a little disappointed. The description cards spoke about winter scenes and even had a mention of Christmas....nothing at all that fitted in with this month's theme. I couldn't help but feel like I was being offered a random selection of leftovers. Handcream from Polåar may come in useful as one of my other handcreams is due to run out. However, it does feel a bit same old, same old.

I was a big fan of the Night Cream from My Little Beauty given a few month's back. So I was pleased to see a day cream from them. However, I have enough day creams to last me a lifetime. I will try this product out as soon as my existing one finishes but that probably won't be for quite a while.

To complete this month's box is a mask and peel from Noxidoxi. Whilst I appreciate that My Little Box is a French company and therefore many of the products are from French company, I do not appreciate when I'm given a product with no English instructions at all. I am left absolutely clueless on how to use the product correctly which makes it highly unlikely that I will make a purchase of this mask and peel.

With the exception of the My Little World magazine, that I am delighted to say is still in the glossy format, this box was a massively huge let down for me. The theme was right up my street and I was buzzing to see inside. I am now questioning whether or not I should continue my subscription. Between the fact I have still to receive my January box and the disappointment of this month's, unless next month's box is a winner, I'm sorry to say next month's box will probably be my last.

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