Tuesday 23 February 2016

Avon Advanced Resurfacing Peel

I've refrained from blogging about Avon products as I sell them and don't want people to think I'm being biased. This product is truly a little gem!

They claim superior results to a £185 professional facial peel which to be honest I found hard to believe. Now I've never forked out for a facial at the grand price of £185, so I can in no way confirm nor deny this claim. What I will say is that I've been mightily impressed so far. I do have quite good skin to beginning with it must be said, but after using it over the last 10 days I have seen an improvement.

My skin is noticeably smoother with a more even tone. It has a 10% concentration of glycolic acid which they claim won't cause redness or irritation. My skin is quite sensitive and whilst I wouldn't say it caused any irritation as such, it can be a wee bit nippy on my face.  Nothing to be worried about though. In general it doesn't cause much redness, definitely nothing that lasts longer than a few minutes. Word of warming though, I used it the day after using a Mask and Peel from Noxidoxi  (received in My Little Box this month - See My Little Box February 2016 for more details) and I was left with a lot of redness that lasted most of the evening. My boyfriend thought it was hilarious,me not see much. It felt like my face was on fire. This is no doubt my own fault, but it isn't the best idea to use after using an intensive face scrub. 

Charged at £10 for this current Avon campaign. Used 2-3 times a week, each tub contains 30 of the pads meaning that the price for a 10 weeks course works out at only £1 a week. Call me biased all you want but that bets paying £185 for a facial.

These gems can be bought by UK customers and delivered straight to their door from www.my.avon.uk.com/HannahWeetman


UPDATE 29/02-
I tried out another chemical facial peel from Noxidoxi that I received through my subscription box, My Little Box. The result from this other product was a burning red face. I can genuinely say that the Avon Advanced Resurfacing Peel gave the same results without the pain of other chemical peels!

Avon wins! 

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