Tuesday 22 September 2015

Eyelash extensions

Permanent Eyelash extensions: love them or hate them?

Personally I don't think I could live without mine anymore. I've been getting them for just over a year now with top up's every 4 - 6 weeks depending. Yeah it can leave a hole in your pocket. Quite a big hole at around £40 a pop. However, for me it is an expense worth paying.

You hear about the dangers of extensions thinning your own lashes. I can honestly say this hasn't been the case for me. Although saying that my eyelashes have always been quite thin which was actually one reason I started getting the permanent ones. They can last a varying length of time because (unless you pick or play with them) they fall out at the same rate as your own lash that it's glued to.

For me, I love how glam they make me feel when I first get them topped up. Equally I love that I don't need to bother with mascara on those days that I sleep in or I'm hungover or generally not feeling so glam! Wee slap of BB cream and a bit of lippy and I'm good to go.

I'd love to know what people think of their extensions if they've ever had it done. Pop it in the comments!

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