Tuesday 3 November 2015

My Little Box October 2015

Apologies for how long it has taken me to get this review out. There are 2 reasons. 1) I was on holiday when the box arrived (keep your eyes peeled for a blog further down the line) and 2) I was massively disappointed with October's box.

My Little Creative Box was a collaborative effort with Pintrest. It should have been right up my street. Pintrest is definitely one of my favourite places with many a board and a couple of sneaky hidden ones too. Nothing about the box seemed anything Pintrest related. I was expecting something arts and crafty. Unfortunately not. They had already announced in my email that this was the theme of the box (I preferred when it was a surprise) so I had high expectations.

The box itself wasn't featuring the usual adorable illustrative details we've became used to and neither was the sticker anything of note. In fact the sticker was for an advert for a competition via Pintrest!

Inside the box I was treated to a canvas tote bag. Cute little illustration on it but really your run of the mill 'I don't want to pay for a plastic bag' bag. In September's edition we were given a much better bag from Antik Batik. So a little disappointed to see more repetition.

Next up plastic colourful things to stick on wires like earphones and chargers. Unique: yes. Up my street: no.

In my little bag of treats: a nail varnish  (I already own hundreds), body cream (yes it smells amazing but again I own hundreds) and night cream from their own range (which I've yet to test).

For me the brand is already starting to lose some of its sparkle and I fail to see what any of the items have to do with this week's theme...aside from at the push the plastic things! A creative box could have opened up a whole world of nail art or crafts. I was left more than a little disappointed. Hence the late blog, lack of photos and the fact I haven't even tested the products.

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