Sunday 15 November 2015

My Little Box October products

My little box for November has arrived and it is a goody! Thought before I posted a blog on that I would share some extra thoughts of the products received last month.

Firstly the Loved nail colour by Sarah Lavoine is too die for. A beautiful deep teal that goes on a treat. In light of last month's creative theme, I opted to add a little loveheart using Barry M's Nail Art pen in black.

Once my nails were done, I treated my hands to a bit of scented heaven in the form of Baïja's 'Crème Moana' in Tiare Flower. Now this stuff I can not get enough of. Definitely my favourite item in October's box. This is a product I think I shall be buying in future.

The night cream from My Little Beauty I have yet to use so I will try it tonight and if I like it I'll get back to you.

I did add the Tech Jewellery to my earphones. Not sure how long I will keep them on though. Not really my cuppa tea. I feel like they look a little cheap. The same goes for the bag, which I will probably use every now and then to save me from paying 5p everytime I need a plastic bag at Tesco.

All in all, as I said before this wasn't the best box. I was incredibly disappointed compared to the high level I've come to expect. That said the nail colour and body cream are amazing. Trust me though November's box is right back to what I had hoped for. Can't wait to get a blog out on it! 

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