Monday 16 November 2015

Winter Krakow Trip (Day Two)

On the Monday we set off early for Auschwitz. An experience that I knew would be incredibly upsetting but I felt it was important to go and see first hand the sort of conditions the victims of the Nazi state were subjected to. Out of respect for those who lost their lives there I opted not to take any pictures. A decision that I hope my readers will understand and respect.

We decided that we would prefer to go early without a guide. I had heard how busy it could get with groups and I didn't want to feel like I couldn't spend the time I wanted to take it all in and absorb what I was seeing. If you do want to go round without a guide then you do need to go before a certain time. I can't quite remember. Check out the website for precise details but I think it's before 10.

We went for half 8. Do remember that if you are going by public transport it does take around an hour and a half on the bus. It's easy enough to do it yourself. The bus was cheap and took you straight from the bus station to Auschwitz. They are also fairly regular. We visited a Tourist Office the day before to make sure we had up to date information and didn't miss our reserved time. On that note, you MUST book your tickets ahead of time.

The whole experience of both Auschwitz I and II was enlightening, disturbing and extremely emotional. The exhibition of the possessions stolen from their victims was almost too much for me and I wasn't the only one walking round with tears streaming down my face.

At Auschwitz II (a short free bus journey) I was taken aback by the sheer size of the camp. It was massive and I found that I just couldn't comprehend how any human being could condone such actrosities on such a huge scale.

It is an experience I will never want to experience again with the exception of taking my kids in the future to ensure it is never forgotten. I hated every moment and felt physically sick, but it is something I am so grateful I got the chance to go and see first hand. It does take up the majority of your day so do make sure you put the proper amount of time away to visit.

On our return to Krakow we went for a wander by The Barbican. It's an incredible piece of military architecture situated next to St Florian's Gate.

We then headed back down for a few beers at Rynek Główny, soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying people watching. As I said in my last post the square really is a stunning spot that any tourist will be sure to love, especially at night.

Afterwards we had a short walk to dinner. I'd seen another place recommended on TripAdvisor and was looking forward to trying it out: Pod Wawelem Restaurancja. Famed for its huge portions we were looking forward to a tasty meal. Beer aplenty: good. Breaded camembert with cranberry sauce: good again but definitely a case of quantity over quality. So far so good though.

That final picture is when it all started going wrong. We had pretty much only just started our starters when the waitress came over with our mains. Mine being the above pictured 'Officer's platter': a gigantic portion of all the meats with potatoes and rice. We told the waitress we weren't ready who just shrugged and rearranged the table to squeeze the plates on. Again it was definitely quantity over quality. None of mine tasted good. Needless to save I didn't finish it, went back to the hotel and fell into what can only be described as a 'Meat Coma'.

Read about our final day in Kraków in my next blog!

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