Saturday 4 June 2016

Pink Parcel May Products

First on my to try list was Cougar 'Perfect Pout'. I have a thin top lip and have been toying with the thought of lip fillers. I don't really have the excess cash to spare so I was hoping this was the miracle I had been praying for. Sadly it isn't. The texture is horrible and it's sticky. It stinks to high heaven. This is not a product I would recommend.
Before applying:
After applying:
Personally I see no difference  (except better lighting). Let me know what you made of it.

I haven't been keeping all that well recently so I haven't been able to get in to the salon for get my nails done. I opted to soak them off myself and paint with the True Brit 'It's a Monthly Thing' nail enamel. I wasn't overly fond of the formula and it chipped quite easily despite me using a top coat but I do like the colour so happy to keep this one.

After the hard work of getting my nails done, I felt it was time for a tasty treat so I eager tucked into Fudge Kitchen's White Chocolate and Raspberry Fudge Cube. The raspberry is definitely the main flavour but for me (even with my sweet tooth) it was a bit too sweet. I gave my boyfriend a nibble and he felt exactly the same. I was a little sad that it wasn't as good as I'd hoped. I'm fact I couldn't even finish.

I turned to Rococo's Honeycomb Crunch and that is one tasty bar of chocolate. Nice decent sized chunks of honeycomb and the chocolate is a lovely milk chocolate. I was very impressed. I don't know what else to say about this chocolate but it is delicious and well worth a try if you haven't already.

The English Tea Shop provided my cuppa for this month. The delicious sounding blend of Chocolate, Rooibos and Vanilla this was bound to make the cramps, headaches and general awfulness of your monthly visit a lot easier to cope with. Whilst I wasn't a massive fan of the smell of the tea, it did taste damn good  I'd definitely repurchase this tea again.

The make up brush from Lottie London certainly wasn't the best make up brush I've ever used. It certainly looks like part in my make up brush holder. Using it though I wouldn't say its the best make up brush I've ever used. In fact it just feels a little lacking. Probably won't be keeping this one.

I've been using Badger Balm most nights. As I've said before I really struggle getting to sleep most nights but I have found that the nights I use this balm I do get to sleep with much more ease. The scent isn't overpowering and I must say this will probably be a staple in my bedside table from now on. The added bonus is that I find a little goes a long way do it should last for quite some time now.

This is now my third Pink Parcel box and I must say I'm still super impressed. It is great value for money. In fact, it's gonna be cheaper from now on and they are changing what the do with the products so I am really looking forward to June's. I can't not wait to show you guys when it arrives. 

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