Tuesday 29 December 2015

My Little Box December Products

To anyone who read my blog about December's My Little Box it will come as no surprise that I was a big fan. I have now tried and tested the products and I'm pleased to say that I am still just as happy.
I'll start with the Vice-Versa nail duo from the in house range 'My Little Beauty'. In this month's edition of the magazine they had a lovely little tutorial aimed at using the duo to make your lunula sparkle...yes I had no idea what it was either. Who knew beauty boxes could be so educational?! Essentially it's the white half moon bit on your nail bed.

I tend to use boxes of clear nails and then paint them. For New Year's Eve (known as Hogmanay here in Scotland) I did the opposite of the magazines suggestion, painting most of my nails in the midnight blue and leaving the tips of my nails in a golden shimmer. One of my closest friends at a NYE party commented on how much she loved my nails.
The next product I tested was the Kusmi tea. I am a huge tea fan so out came my latest infuser and on went the kettle. The black tea with gorgeously subtle fruity flavour. My boyfriend had a little sip too and said how much he enjoyed it. The size of the sample sent won't last too long at the rate I go through tea and this is definitely a product I would purchase again.

Next up was the Rituals 'Magic Touch' body cream. I have a habit of using body creams, falling in love immediately and after a couple of uses discover it's just not quite right for me (a bit like some of my past relationships). So this time before writing about how much I liked this product I asked my boyfriend to test it. His words of wisdom were: "it smells luscious, it leaves my hands feeling silky smooth, it's easily absorbed AND I can pick my beer bottle up without feeling like it's going to slip out my hands". So there you have it Rituals 'Magic Touch': approved by boyfriends!
UPDATE - 29/02
Having just used this product again, I have to say that really like it. The scent is lovely without being overpowering, it applies easily without taking a lifetime to dry and to top that off my skin feels amazing. Very happy with this product!

Last on my list to test was the NARS blush. However, as my blusher still has a bit of life left in it for just now. I've opted to wait to open it. As soon as it's opened I'll post a wee update.

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Christmas nails

Every year I try to do something special with my nails for Christmas. This year through ASOS I found Elegant Touch's Limited Edition press on nails 'Snow Fake'. I use press nails quite a lot as work, social and singing schedule takes up quite a lot of my time so manicures are a luxury time can't allow. Generally I buy a huge box of clear ones and then paint them myself. But I was drawn to the festive cheer of these little beauties.

Retailing at only £3, I felt it wasn't too much to spend if  I ended up not being overly keen on them. Especially as I was already ordering stuff from the site in any case. When they arrived yesterday I put them on immediately. A word on warning though the glue that comes with the Elegant Touch nails isn't the greatest so either be prepared to carry the glue everywhere and constantly be reapplying them or do what I do and buy a better glue. Available at most drugstores and pretty inexpensive, I think it's worth it to save losing nails left, right and centre.

Once on I was fairly happy with the result. Suitably festive with lovely little designs on each nail. Yes the quality isn't the greatest and no one would see them and think they're my real nails but for £3 they do exactly what I had hoped for.

I would just like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very much Christmas! 

Saturday 19 December 2015

My Little Box December 2015

My Little Box has been a delight since I  signed up with a few little disappoints here and there. December's My Little Magic Box I'm pleased to say is nothing short of amazing. To start with the box is actually 'magical'. Using an app the Kanako figures that we're used to seeing on the boxes come to life and dance before you're very eyes. It's an extremely sweet touch (albeit a little gimmicky) and at this time of year I love a little bit of cheesy nonsense!
The little sticker that came with this month's edition was equally cute. Then once I opened the box words can't describe how happy I was to see the return of the glossy version of My Little World magazine. Every since I've subscribed it's been a folded up paper version that I haven't really bothered about so I am delighted they've gone back to their old format and I now will take the time to read it. I really hope they'll be sticking to this style of magazine in the future and it's not just a one off for the Christmas version.

Next came the sweet mittens you see above. Black with gold sparkles, beautifully presented (as always), with the adorable caption of 'Anti-brrr kit for frosty days'. Now they probably won't be getting pulled out much this year. Here in the UK we're having an unusually warm December but once the snow does hit (I have no doubt it will at some point) I'll be rocking these bad boys. These retail at £10 through My Little Corner so I was starting to have a sneaky suspicion that I'd be getting my money's worth this month.
The next item was something I was equally as excited about. I'm a massive tea drinker of all kinds. Loose black tea is my preferred option so I was over the moon to see a tin of Kumi Tea. I receive the Anastasia blend which they describe as a Russian blend of China and Ceylon teas with scents of bergamot, lemon, lime and orange blossom. Now if this tastes anywhere near as good as it smells I'm in for a treat. This is one product I can't wait to try out! For 125g they charge £13.10, but it's a wee 25g tester size I've received.
I can now forgive My Little Box for not including a make up bag last month as this month they've gone all out with a bigger sized zippy make bag up. I am so happy with this addition to the box, which they normally sell for £6. Now I knew that regardless of the bag's contents we were onto a winner.
First out the bag was a body cream from Rituals called Magic Touch. It's Cherry blossom and rice milk scent is lovely. However as I received a body cream from Baïja in October's box, I have the feeling I'll be passing this one onto someone else to test for me. For a full sized one it would set you back £17 for 200ml. However, this is a tester size of 70mls. If I do try it out, I will let you know in my review of the products.

The next product I was delighted with: NARS blusher in 'Orgasm'. Normally priced at £23. My blusher is very nearly done as well so this couldn't have came at a better time. It's a best seller for NARS so I'd say this is a great addition to this month's box. The final product is....more nail polish. I've said it in a previous review and I will say it again. I do not need more nail varnish in my life! I literally have boxes of the stuff. However, that said the Vice-Versa duo from My Little Beauty is lovely. A gold sparkly number with a perfectly matched midnight blue I will definitely be trying out this product for you. Normally they would charge £7 for this duet of nail bling.
All in all this box has been a triumph for me. The thing I love most about My Little Box is that it's more than just a beauty box. The inclusion of items like the mittens and tea is what really makes it for me. That and the monthly theme. Granted there's some month's I haven't really got the theme but it's still a great concept. Well done to all in the My Little Box organisation and I can't wait for my first box of 2016!