Tuesday 2 August 2016

VO5 Mega Hold Styling Mousse

The VO5 Mega Hold Styling Mousse promises quite a lot in a can.

Firstly 24 hour humidity protection to help prevent frizz. Now I don't have particularly frizzy hair and can't say I noticed a massive difference but I wouldn't say it offer 24 hours of frizz free hair.

Next up, an all day hold. I would 100% agree with this. Even in the windy Scottish climate my hair style held up for the day. Albeit with a little help from hairspray.

Healthy looking shine they said: oh my god yes! My hair looks great. Really smooth and shiny and all things wonderful.

The penultimate promise was no stickiness or flaking and again I must say VO5 delivered on this promise. After applying the product, I didn't feel the immediate need to run to the toilet and wash my hands.

Lastly a UV filter, which I'll need to take their word on. As I said I live in Scotland, it isn't overly sunny here but they've been true to their word on most the other benefits so I'll trust them on this.

All in all, a great product. No particular strong smell to the mousse. The only thing preventing me giving it 5 stars is that I would like to see how it holds up in a more humid climate. Well done VO5. I would definitely purchase again!

This can of mousse was kindly provided from Bzzagent for me to review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and I have not received anything in return for a positive review.

Thanks for reading!

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